NAFSMA Committees
Our committees develop our water resource policy positions and priorities. Committee chairs work directly with congressional staff and USACE, EPA, and FEMA staff administrators to advocate for our members.
Flood Management
Coordinates and resolves member issues related to federal flood control. Offers policy and implementation guidance as an active liaison with the Army Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies in federal flood control programs, regulations, and funding.
Floodplain Management
Tracks and influences federal legislation impacting member floodplains. Focuses on the National Flood Insurance Program, state hazard insurance, and takings legislation as an active liaison with FEMA and the Association of State Floodplain Managers.
Stormwater Management
Addresses stormwater issues affecting local governments, including tracking, evaluation, and recommendations on federal legislation and regulation. Coordinates with other national organizations to address stormwater quality and quantity management.

Committee Position Papers and Comment Letters
Flood Management Committee Position Paper
Floodplain Management Committee Position Paper
Stormwater Committee Position Paper
4.15.2024 USACE PRG Comment Letter
7.17.2024 Notes from Flood Infrastructure and Management Committee
8.20.2024 Notes from Floodplain Management and Mapping Committee
9.3.2024 NAFSMA’s Priority Issues for WRDA
8.29.2024 NAFSMA Comments on National Levee Safety Guidelines
8.22.24 NAFSMA Water Quality and Environmental Committee Notes